It’s been a while but here we are in ‘touch for the very first time(!)’ for quite a few of our new subscribers! Hello. Welcome. Thanks for coming, sorry it’s taken so long to say hello!
Quite a few of you signed up after our little feature on the local BBC News channels. If you didn’t see it, you can watch it here…
As the clip intimates, the 747 has been the mainstay of our work over the last year and continues to be so. No less than 22 former BA Jumbos have been scrapped and we’ve acquired sizeable chunks from all but 2 of those. We’re whittling our way through them and expect that to continue into 2022. It is strange, however, to think that by next summer, they’ll be gone for good.
There will be more cufflinks, bracelets and mini-models before Christmas (G-CIVY, the last to leave Heathrow is next) and throughout 2022.
Perhaps of more significance to some of you is the sad demise of 2 Virgin Atlantic airframes, G-VAST and G-VBIG, perhaps better known as ‘Ladybird’ and ‘Tinker Belle’. After the scrapping, we did manage to track down some more sections and our final four fuselage sections from Ladybird, together with window pane clocks from her and sister ship Tinker Belle are finally ready. We were inundated with requests for these two and we’ll be listing those final sections for sale on the Members’ Area page on Sunday at 1900 UK time, before general release next week.
Here‘s a sneak preview…. Good luck on Sunday!
