We love Christmas. We really do.
What we don’t ’love’ is the fact that it starts in September! There‘s no doubt that it has been hijacked by rampant commercialism these days and so many unwanted pressies will still be tucked away in their boxes and plastic packaging next summer, probably having travelled half way around the globe in the process.
Of course, the vast majority of our products have travelled millions of miles already but, putting them to a different use and ‘upcycling’ them into memory makers for people who really appreciate them, really does make a difference. Don’t buy the avgeek in your life socks, chocs or smellies, get them something they’ll really love.
Our British Airways Boeing 747 clocks were last year’s ‘best seller’ for Christmas and we’ve been working hard to increase our stock. We’ve also added our first couple of 777 clocks to the mix from G-ZZZA & G-ZZZB, that have been scrapped in the last few weeks. They’re listed on the Members’ Area page now.

We‘ve also produced a number of 747 and Airbus tags, which make perfect stocking fillers. We’ll have some awesome Virgin ‘specials’ available soon too…

We try to make sure nothing goes to waste so, in partnership with Icarus Originals our ribs and offcuts have been melted down to make mini models, cufflinks and bracelets. G-CIVY, the last BA 747 to leave Heathrow, is the latest machine to receive that treatment. We offer free UK shipping on those too.

We have managed to get slightly ahead with our polished fuselage sections too, meaning that there are a couple ready to ship now.
Friday 17th is (probably) the final day for UK shipping, so get clicking!