OK, perhaps not very wise men, but we’ve certainly been busy!
Our next batch of BA window pane clocks from G-CIVI, with a couple from G-CIVP, will go on the Members’ Area page of the website at 1200 tomorrow. They will be delivered in time for Xmas but they won’t be around for long!
We’ll also have a handful of Virgin‘s Ladybird (G-VAST) windows available too. They’re likely to sell out even more quickly, so please be ready at noon!
We might have another batch ready by next weekend and should have another batch of G-CIVM mini models and cufflinks ready for Christmas delivery too.
We are still taking orders for our fuselage sections too. G-CIVI is nearly gone, G-CIVY & G-CIVK are next.

Good evening Darren. Are there any plans to produce window pane clocks from G-VBIG?
Hi Andrew, in the mad rush before Xmas, we forgot to email you the info sheet and instructions. They’ll be in your inbox very shortly 👍
Have received my Virgin clock, good speedy service, well packaged. The only think what would have been nice, would to have had a authentication certificate with a brief history of the plane, just a thought for on going orders perhaps
Nessa, we list them on the ‘Members’ Area’ page but they sell out exceptionally quickly.
Richard, we’ll have a small number of G-VAST fuselage sections available soon